But how do you get started?
- vCloud Director 9.1 or above (the below description has been tested on vCD 9.7)
- vRealize Orchestrator compatible to your vCloud Director version (VMware InterOp Matrix)
- Important: Both systems need to be attached to the same vSphere SSO domain and have that setup as a lookupservice
- If you plan to change certificates on vCloud Director or vRealize Orchestrator it makes sense to do this before we link the systems as we have a cert exchange happen during registration
Procedure on vRealize Orchestrator appliance:
- Login to the console of your vRO appliance as root
- Run the following command to grab the keystore password:
- cat /var/lib/vco/keystore.password

- Copy the key into a notepad or your clipboard for later usage. Important: Do not copy the machine name (i.e. vro01 above).
- Export the certificate of the dunes (vRO) server into pem format (Replace the StorePass):
- keytool -exportcert -alias dunes -storepass TheKeystorePasswordFromStep3Abobe -keystore /etc/vco/app-server/security/jssecacerts -rfc -file vro.pem

You can ignore the warning message at the bottom of the message above as it is not affecting the PEM file.- Copy the vro.pem file to the local machine which will be used to link vCloud Director to vRealize Orchestrator.
Procedure in vCloud Director
- Login to the vCloud Director provider user interface (i.e. https://vcd01.demovcd.com/provider)
- Select Content Libraries from the "Burger Menu"

- Select Service Management in the Left Menu unter Library Administration.
- Within the vRO Servers tab click Add.
- Enter a Name, Hostname, Username and Password.
- On the Trust Anchor click the Upload icon and select the PEM file we exported before.
- Click OK.
That's all, now you can start to create Service Categories, a Library etc.
If you want to setup the other way around, so vRealize Orchestrator to vCloud Director you might want to look at this article from Matthias Eisner: https://blog.comdivision.com/blog/2019/05/vcloud-director-9-7-vro-plugin-configuration